Sunday, March 23, 2008

Turning My Head Inside Out

For the last several days, I've been playing catch up with k.d. lang's back catalogue of albums. In short, I simply cannot believe what the hell I've been missing out on. So far, I am really seriously digging her Invincible Summer cd. It's very dreamy, & very reflective of a time when she was madly in love with the person she was with at the time. Her music is literally turning my head inside out, making me feel very dreamy - which is such a pisces thing, wistful,longing & very hyper for warmer climates again. So many "oh my god!!" moments, they're just tumbling out all over the place. I don't know what it is about music, but by God, when it gets ahold of me, it doesn't let go; it's making me want to run away to somewhere warm, it's like a shiny new crush & I tend to be rather passionate about my crushes. It doesn't hurt that k.d. is a rather handsome looking chick.

So the reason for this latest post is just this. What is it about k.d. langs' music that has turned me into a big blob of mush, her lyrics & melodies wash over me like a warm summer breeze hugging me, then again I guess I always have been a dreamer. It's making me feel like I want to go running along a beach by the ocean, to be in the first blush of love with someone, lord I live in such a dream world sometimes, but then, given the realities of "the real world" in which we live in, my dream world is a far more fun place to be, is it any wonder why I constantly have that wonderlust to run away? Not that my little area of the real world is all that bad, it's just not as exciting enough at the moment & I wish it was. Since I've returned from my trip it all just feels so mundane & boring, I desparately need more excitement in my life, more fun. I really would like to surround myself with like minded people, wish I knew where to find them.

I really love when music does that to me, that's why I love music so much, when somethng hits me, it gets into my bloodstream & into my soul & just tends to lift my spirits to a whole new level. Music is a great picker-upper for when you're feeling down or sad or whatever mood might strike you. They should prescribe music instead of drugs to cure people. Or am I just weird like that? I don't know.


kennedyflair said...

You've been bitten by the k.d. bug-you'll never be the same! Hey, why don't you combine travel and k.d.? She doing dates in Europe in the summer.......Shelley

L said...
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L said...

Oh maaan,I think I definitely agree with you about being by the k.d bug, absolutely! I wish I could afford to go & do that, unfortunately, I have to work & save up for my next adventure, wherever that might be!

L said...
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janina said...

I got hit with the kd but during Ingenue and it's keeps hitting me. I just saw her in NYC and I'm sure there will be more dates coming up in USA as well. Good luck and you have good taste.