Sunday, September 21, 2008

More Favorite Things

Okay, so, to counter balance the "Anger" blog, I thought I'd better swing it back into the other direction again & add some more of my favorite things.

One thing I really love, that is definitely a mood brightener & should be prescribed to help people who are depressed or sad or upset more than drugs, is music. I freakin' love music, & there's so much of it out there in the cosmos that is so good. Herewith is a probably small list of my most favorite musicians/singers/bands, in no particular order:

kd lang (because, because, because, omg, there are SO many reasons why!)
Genesis (because up until a few minutes ago, that's who I was listening to on Itunes)
Crowded House (Neil Finn is my God & he's amazing)
Neil Finn (see Crowded House)
Amy Winehouse (Love her music but damn I wish she'd get her shit together!)
Neil Young (He's become an aquired taste, but I really like, well most of his stuff)
Jack Johnson (He's awesome to mellow out to)
Corrine Bailey Rae (She's got such a beautiful voice & her music is fabulous)
Scissor Sisters (LOVE them! So much fun)
Aimee Mann (she's not in the mainstream, but she's got really cool hooks & lyrics)
The B52's (See Scissor Sisters)
Christina Aguliera (She comes pretty close to kd, she's got some pipes on her)
The Clash (Awesome 80's rebelliousness)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Lenny Kravitz

And on & on it goes. The above listed are the ones I have in my Itunes library that I listen to the most.

Another thing I love is television, I grew up addicted to it; as an adult, where music as switched my focus, I haven't watched as much, however, there are a few shows that I really love that I try to watch without fail:

ER (yeah, it's a dinosaur, & it's on the way out this year, but it has been awesome)
Sex & the City (I am absolutely addicted to this show & while I never really dressed as trendily as those hot bitches did, I just adored it, although the movie left me a bit - unsatisfied)
Nip/Tuck (One of the most seriously funny, at times gory *surgery scenes*, shows going, & Dr Christian Troy is fucking hot!)
The L Word - (Sex & the City for women, I've definitely discovered the appeal of this sexy, hot show)
Will and Grace - (Seriously hilarious show, although at times, it's Jack & Karen who steal the show, all four of the characters together make this a very funny show)
The Cho Show - (Margaret Cho is sharply funny, & her tattoos look amazing)

Other honorable mentions would include: Saturday Night Live, Entertainment Tonight, Showbiz Tonight, Larry King Live, Nancy Grace, How it's Made, Live at the Rehersal Hall, Intervention

Moving on to foods, who doesn't love food? It's awesome & I definitely have my faves. My ultimate comfort food would be mac & cheese of course, but I also have my special mashed potatoes, which, instead of boring sour cream, has Ranch Dressing it it. Yes I know it's probably loaded with calories & god knows what else, but I love it - And I guarantee that it. is. the. living. END! Other usual things would be chicken, salmon, pizza (with my usual toppings of mushrooms, black olives & green peppers-I never deviate from it either), pasta anything, chinese.

1 comment:

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