I have literally died & gone to kd lang heaven.
My week of expectation is now done, I've literally had my socks knocked off, I feel like my whole being has shifted, because I've now had the kd lang experience twice in one week. She is the absolute living end. It's been only a couple of days & I'm still thunderstruck by her. Having never seen her play live, I was really looking forward to this, kd has blown me away by her sheer, God given talent.
My first experience was at Hamilton Place, where, unfortunately I was up in the 1st balcony, which sightline wise, really wasn't completely horrible, but of course, the whole experience is completely different when you're actually down on the floor, then again, the sound of her voice travelling way up to the rafters & beyond made it all the more worth it, because kd's voice absolutely soars in the right atmosphere! Anyway, kd just did not disappoint; what amazes me is the fact that there is absolutely no difference between the cd's & her singing live, she's that exactly spot on. The sounds eminating out of her are just absolutely breath taking! I know it sounds ridiculous, but I just cannot stop raving about how amazing this woman is; my biggest regret being that I didn't get into her 8-9 years earlier, but better late than never! I went to the show with my cousin, who likes her too, although she's not quite as rabid a fan as I've become, hahah. So I decided I wanted to try to do the stage door, now nothing happened at this show, unfortunately, they closed the big garage door, so the few of us who waited, left disappointed. The good thing is, that I met up with a girl who would go with me to the Toronto show.
My facination with kd lang has gotten to the point where I impulsively bought two tickets from someone off the web who couldn't use the seats for the Toronto Massey Hall show. This was an opportunity I didn't want to miss, so I went for it. I am beyond thrilled that I did! So I headed off to the show, met up with Laura, & off we went. When we got to Massey, we were approached by scalpers who had two front row seats. For a split second, I was tempted, but Laura instantly begged & pleaded with me to do it; I was very unsure, having never bought scalper tickets before. Well, after hemming & hawing, & having the tickets checked to be sure they were the real thing, & even though I was very apprehensive, we went for it. Laura was ecstatic. I was tentatively excited. It would be a decision I would end up being thrilled to have done, because, even though the seats were over on the far right hand side, & we ended up sitting in front of speakers, being able to be that close to kd singing is an experience that I can barely verbalize properly. She would mostly favor the right side & centre of the stage, but at least twice, she'd come over towards us & all I could literally do is gasp & smile very broadly, & I swear, she did look directly at me for a second & smile, which I felt with every fibre of my being!
Laura had brought a bag of Godiva chocolate to give to kd at the stage, she told me to nudge her when the time came to give it to her. We had been told by a cute security guard that the best time to do it would be at the encore, when she comes to the edge of the stage to shake hands. So when the time did come, I gave Laura the signal to go for it. Now, I wasn't going to go up to the stage, I didn't think I'd have the nerve to do it, in the end, I went for it & was behind Laura when I put my hand up to kd, I think I remember looking up at her & saying thank you so much & smiling broadly. It was the most surreal moment for me, because she looked at me, smiling, took my hand & shook it. It was like an electrical impulse went right through me. What struck me the most was how soft her hand was! This woman, who plays guitar, has the most incredibly softest hands ever, I would love to know what her secret is. As I walked back to my seat, I was beyond thrilled; I could not stop smiling.
After the show,as we were leaving, the roadies were giving out guitar pics, a really nice man gave me one & Laura one, which was again another small thrill! We made our way to the stage door, for a 2nd attempt at trying to meet kd; Laura had gotten, very very briefly, to meet kd as she got in her car in London, but the moment had been someone tainted by another oddball of a person. When we got to the door, there were others there of course, & even a kd lang impersonator, which must seem so bizarre to her. Imagine looking into the face of someone who tries to go out of their way to look & sound exactly like you? We had been told to form a receiving line, & to behave ourselves, just be normal & don't mob kd. It was explained that she wouldn't pose with anyone, but we could take as many pictures as we wanted. Okay, be cool, check. Other people, probably record company people, came & went as we waited, by the time kd walked out, she was back in her street clothes, her geek glasses on which she pushed up to her forehead as she went from person to person.
As I waited & watched & tried to take a few pictures, I wondered what I was going to say & fumbled between my ticket stub & a postcard, trying to decide on what to get her to sign. In the end, I went with the ticket stub. As kd approached me, I can't remember if she even looked at me as I haned her the stub to sign, all I could literally say to her was to thank her again, & to tell her how in awe I am of her voice & talent. I didn't notice it then, but when I looked at the picture Laura took of me later, kd had a bit of a grin on her face, so it warms me to think I may have made her smile a bit, I hope.
As she went down the line, I watched this whole scene unfold & I have to say, she looked very tired & very spent, after all the effort she gave out to us in the theatre. Her stage persona was completely gone & she was very, very subdued. She spoke barely a single word, which of course I completely understood, because I knew instictively she was probably wanting to rest her vocal chords. Before we knew it, kd was in her car & off she went. It was such a huge thrill to be able to not only go to both of the shows, but to then have an opportunity to meet her was just the cherry on top of the really delicious hot fudge sundae that was the kd lang concerts!
It's been a very long time since I've had any reason to be that happy, & God knows I needed this. I think in the short space of time that I've gotten into kd's music, I've fallen & fallen hard; I think I'm glad I did, because having gotten & listened to all of her back catalogue, kd's music has really helped to get me through a really rotten period of my life. She really is one of the most amazing & treasured performers of our time, with a golden voice that is a gift from God.
hi, great blog.
you're so lucky to have met KD lang, sounds like a spiritual experience!
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